Saya Cosplay Photography as Sayuka Kouenji

Saya Cosplay Photography as Sayuka Kouenji Gallery

Saya Cosplay Photography as Sayuka Kouenji Character from Beat Angel Escalayer anime series, Beat Angel Escalayer is a hentai anime OVA and eroge series from 2002 created by Alice Soft and animated by Pink Pineapple, in this Cosplay Photography Saya Cosplaying as Sayuka Kouenji, Sayuka Kouenji is the guardian of the Earth and has the ability to transform into her alter ego, but in order to transform into Escalayer she must recharge her power source which can only be recharged through sexual excitement, well saya seem very Pretty in this Saya Cosplay Photography as Sayuka Kouenji, i think that because her pink hair she look very fit with that hairstyle, well i can imagine if saya ask me to help her to recharge her power resource ^^", well it sad when i saw her sweet smile :/ because i wont see her smile anymore, i love this Saya Cosplay photo because saya seem very enjoying her cosplay here, i got this Saya Cosplay Photography as Sayuka Kouenji from, its sweet Saya Cosplay photography.